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Norah Sweetman

The Anxious Child and Bullying

School can intensify worry for a child prone to anxiety. The demands of routine, taking responsibility for books, copies and equipment and fitting in with a large group can be stressful for a child of any age.

As adults we can idealise childhood as an innocent care-free time of life without worries! If you think back to a significant event in your life aged, say 4-8 years old, you will be surprised at the vivid memories you will have of emotional and social events that impacted you. A child feels worry and anxiety about daily life on a spectrum from everyday/ manageable to overwhelming stress that can often manifest itself in physical symptoms. Making friends and managing characters both friendly and unfriendly can be worrying for a child no matter what their age. Small events, exclusions or bullying incidents that the child experiences, can lead to ‘worry habits’ and daily dreading of going to school or attending events. The issue of bullying is a classic example of this experience for a child.

Bullying can range from overt physical and mental cruelty and domination through feelings of isolation and rejection through to lack of friendships in the class group. These experiences cause blanket anxiety for a child and build on themselves. All children need the right to a school that is a safe place to work, play and socialise, while learning how to relate to others successfully. The line between bullying behaviours and the flow of group and friendship interactions can be a fine line therefore resilience at all ages is required to make our way in life and negotiate the complexity of relationships.

Managing friendship and group interactions requires resilience, communication skills and secure self-esteem; so if rejection occurs or friendship groups change the child is able to accept this and form other relationships. The work we do at reduces social anxiety, relieves the negative impact of previous experiences and gives the child simple tools to build resilience and strengthen the ability to manage emotional experience.

The physical action of self-tapping acupressure points on the body relieves symptoms of anxiety; combined with naming the anxious feelings which releases feelings of isolation and shame leaving space for the child to develop positive self-talk and self-confidence.

See for how Tapping with EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) works and could help you and your child deal with anxiety and stress as well as success stories of children and adults who have overcome anxiety using Tapping with EFT.

We are 100% confident that Tapping with EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) will help you and your child with anxiety and stress around school and bullying so we are delighted to offer you a Complementary 15 minute EFT Tapping session. Simply contact to avail of this free EFT session.



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