Answers to FAQs About Tapping
Why do I have to say negative statements?
A. By stating the problem (usually something negative) it brings to the surface feelings and emotions about an event or issue, alerting the body and our sensitive energy system where the blockage might be (remember, the cause of all negative emotions is a blockage in the body’s energy system). By saying the negative but true statement while stimulating the meridians, you are sending tiny vibrations or shock waves throughout your energy pathways. By doing so, you are gently nudging away the blockage or disruption that causes the negative emotion.
Q. Does Pro EFT™ use the same tapping points as Basic EFT?
A. Yes we do. But we also use additional tapping points. The body has 14 meridians that spread into hundreds of meridian pathways running throughout the body. These energy pathways come to the surface in several places such as the face, head, upper torso, spine and wrists. You can just use the basic tapping “shortcut” points ; EB, SE, UE, UN, CH, CB, UA. However, by adding three additional points, the inside of the wrists, liver spot (over the liver on the right side), and the crown of the head, you are engaging the other five additional meridians, therefore increasing your effectiveness rate by over 56%.
With Pro EFT™ we also tap on both sides of the body for more efficient results. We do not use the finger points, however, since we pick up those meridians while tapping with both hands and using the wrist point.
Q. How does tapping work for relationship issues?
A. Relationship challenges are just symptoms of a bigger, underlying cause. There's ALWAYS something underneath the problems: jealousy, anger, frustration, hate, guilt, etc. Often the man reminds the woman of her controlling father or the wife reminds the husband of his dominant, non-affectionate mother (or whatever.) The good news is that Pro EFT even has a specific technique for dealing with contentious relationships...
Q. Can tapping be used on children, the infirm or pets?
A. Yes, EFT can be used on virtually anyone (including pets) with good results. For babies, pets, the elderly and those unable to tap themselves, you can use Surrogate Tapping, which is tapping on yourself, for them.
Q. How long do I have to tap to get results?
A. The short answer is: Until you get the result you want. Normally you can resolve an issue in 3-4 rounds, which only takes a few minutes. Simple issues are particularly quick and easy to deal with. Sometimes, however, it may take 5-6 rounds, or even 10 or more to resolve a difficult issue, especially if you are tapping on and for yourself. You may need to go through several “doors,” look at many different aspects and dig for the core issue, to get the end result of complete resolution. That takes time and expertise. Complex issues that have existed for a long time, and issues that have a traumatic or heavy emotional aspect to them, will require the help of an experienced practitioner. It is not recommended to work on yourself on such deep seated issues without support.
Q. What does SUD's mean
A. SUDs stands for 'Subjective Units of Distress'
SUDs is simply the charge on an issue, i.e. how upset are you about it? It’s important to know your intensity level so your body knows where it needs to go to unblock a meridian.
If you simply say, “I’m really upset” that doesn’t give you much information. If you can put a number to it, say a 9, for instance, even if it’s subjective, you at least have a guesstimate of a starting point. Then as you tap and get in touch with your decreasing SUDs level on subsequent rounds, you’ll know you’re making progress. You’ll also have a handle on how far you still need to go to completely resolve an issue. (The Pro-EFT 'Golden Gate Technique' does this perfectly).
Q. What if I don't know my intensity level?
A. It’s not always easy to figure out, on a scale of 1 to 10, how much your shoulder hurts, or how angry you are at your brother-in-law, or how afraid of spiders you are. At best, it’s a subjective guess. But it's important to know where you are for several reasons.
Q. How do I deal with an intangible issue or get a SUDs rating on it? What if I have a problem like procrastination or lack confidence around new employees, or want to lose 30 pounds, or I'm just stuck and can't get going? How do I measure or test issues like that?
A. To deal with intangible or hard-to-measure issues, I recommend Pro EFT's Ultimate Truth Statement.
Q. Does Tapping work for…? (whatever)
A. One of the most common questions EFT Practitioners hear is, “Can EFT help with…. PTSD, diabetes, hepatitis, multiple sclerosis, pimples, etc?” To which we almost always respond, “Probably! Try it on everything!” A more thorough and accurate answer, however, would be: “Many others have experienced great results with your issue, so it is highly likely that you will get resolution too.” It’s safe to say that EFT has been tried on just about every issue, problem or physical ailment you can imagine.
Q. Can Tapping be integrated with the Law of Attraction?
A. Yes and we do it. Lindsay utilizes elements of the Law of Attraction in virtually every session and course.
(Lindsay Kenny, Original EFT Master trained by Gary Craig, our inspirational trainer and founder of Pro-EFT)
Q. What’s the best way to learn Tapping?
A. There's so much to tapping that you should take several routes. Meridian tapping,Pro-EFT, is simple to learn from a workshop or with a practitioner. However, there is SO much more to it than meets the eye. Tapping is effective for hundreds of simple issues and can be self-applied; however, for more complex issues you should see an experienced practitioner. Read More here....
Q. Why should I go beyond Basic EFT if it's working for me? And what if I just want Basic EFT?
A. Basic EFT does work. It's how we all got started and what most practitioners use. However, Progressive EFT™ is more efficient. It's also easier to learn and produces faster results.
Q. I’ve tried EFT, but it’s just not working for ME. What now?
A. When people try EFT for chronic or complex issues, and aren’t getting the results they want, they may think EFT just isn’t working for "them." Others think that maybe the testimonials they’ve heard aren’t real. You will need help to find the real core issue.
Q. What’s the difference between Simple and Complex issues?
Simple issues are problems that have these common elements:
Single-faceted, like the hiccups, or you’re disappointed that you didn’t get the promotion you wanted, or you’re stressed after a tough day at work.
Recent: as opposed to something that happened years ago, or has been going on for a long time.
Measurable: Its possible to measure the intensity of your feelings: physical and psychological..
Usually part of daily life and exist in conscious thought.
If you can't easily measure it, then it's usually complex.
Complex issues, by contrast, typically have these elements:
Multi faceted: lots of aspects that are mixed up and go deep
Long established: happened long ago; going on for a long time (eg. weight issues, addiction, depression)
Difficult to measure and articulate (For instance, weight, procrastination, clutter, addictions and insomnia can't be easily measured. You might be able to say the problem is a 10, but how would you put a number on insomnia? How would you know what to tap on? What would you be measuring if you were tapping on a weight issue)
Frequently connected to trauma that may be lodged in the unconscious.
These complex issues, and many more should be handed over to a skilled practitioner to work on with you.
Q. What words and phrases do I use?
A. This is one of the most frequently asked questions.. The easy answer is this simple formula: Add an acceptance affirmation to your problem, such as, “Even though I have this __________(fill in your issue), I deeply and completely accept myself.” However, there is a bit more to it than that (see the above question about complex issues.) What’s important is your intention.
If you know exactly what you are tapping on (the shame about losing your temper, or a recent work problem, for example,) then your intention to clear it is more important than the perfect words. Some phrases are more effective than others, of course, but your intention and focus help with the battle of the words.. Try it different ways, until you get the result you want.
Q. How many sessions will it take to deal with my issue?
A. It's like saying "how long should wine be aged?"
There are so many variables among people and issues that it could take 3 sessions or 5.
Some might even be 10 or more than that. Complex issues, weight issues, abuse, trauma and many others often take a series of sessions. However, in most cases it shouldn't take more than 3-4 sessions to deal with a single issue.
However, many people have multiple issues making it hard to identify the issue without really getting into the matter.
Q. Why do I sometimes feel worse after a session?
A. It’s not uncommon for people to experience a negative reaction after (or during) a tapping session, especially if you are tapping for yourself. This is because of energy moving. So do the 'mellow mudra', hold your head on the blood pressure points, drink water and eat something to get calm and regain balance.
Q. Will prescription medications interfere with tapping?
A. The short answer is, "Yes, they can." But not necessarily. Prescription medications, especially mind-altering ones; pain killers, anti-depressants, anxiety meds, etc. can cause a General Polarity Reversal. However, medications don't always cause Polarity's only one possibility, and it affects only some people.
Q. Do the results last?
A. If an issue is completely dealt with during a tapping session, then it should be gone for good. The "logic" says that any problem that can be relieved that fast must be temporary. Lasting results, at least in the minds of most people, must take time to produce. The case histories are filled with people who have had lasting results...even though the problem was relieved in moments. This is still more evidence that EFT is addressing the true cause of the problem. Otherwise, the remedy would not be so long-lasting.
Q. How does Tapping handle emotional problems that are very intense and/or have been with me for a very long time?
A. We do actually handle chronic or old issues differently from those that just happened, such as cutting your finger in the kitchen. When we carry anger, grief, guilt shame or other intense emotions for a long time, they become habitual and even addictive. To eliminate the trauma, emotion or negative learning around an old issue, we must first neutralize the inevitable "subconscious resistance to change" or Reversals. The good news is that it's usually very simple to do that.
Q. How does EFT deal with one's need to understand their problem?
A. This is one of the most astonishing features about Tapping. A shift in a person's understanding of their problem happens simultaneously with the relief. After doing EFT, people talk about and see their problem differently with a healthier perspective. The typical rape victim, for example, no longer carries a deep fear and distrust of men. It is not important to know what caused your issue or how to fix it. That is a job for your Tapping Practitioner.
Q. How does EFT deal with stress and anxiety?
A. In EFT, stress and anxiety have the same cause as all other negative emotions...a disruption in the body's energy system. Accordingly, they are addressed with tapping in the same as any other emotional issue. Anxiety has a specific meaning in clinical psychology. It refers to an intense fear or dread, lacking a clear cause, or a specific threat. In EFT, however, we give it a much broader definition to include that general state of uneasiness which is more commonly known as 'anxiety'. Under that definition stress and anxiety fall into the same category.
Q. How does Tapping help with sports performance?
A. Ask any accomplished athlete and they will tell you emphatically that their mental set is critical to their performance. The difference between good days and bad days for the athlete is almost always due to emotional causes. Barring sickness, the athlete always brings the same highly skilled body into the field of battle. The only thing that changes is the effect that emotions have on the body.
Q. Do you do sessions by phone and if so, how can EFT work by phone? (Find out more on our Contact page).
A. Yes, we both do Tapping by phone; in fact, many of our clients are by phone and from all over the world. Actually, most accomplished EFT practitioners work by phone, so the distance from you won't affect your choice of practitioner.That said, some people prefer in-person sessions.
Many thanks to Lindsay Kenny, original EFT Master and author of Pro-EFT, for giving us the best practitioner and Master's training ever, and for sharing her resources so generously.